How to suspend your LinkedIn account: Your step-by-step guide

Modern life sometimes calls for a break. Perhaps you’ve decided to step away from your professional network for a while, and it’s for these cases that LinkedIn offers the account hibernation feature. This process allows you to temporarily pause your activity without completely deleting your profile. Let’s take a look at how to do this, and at the same time, we’ll use some non-trivial approaches to make this article really useful for you.

  • Step 1: Understand the importance of hibernation. Before we get into the technical details, it’s worth understanding why hibernation can be useful. You stay “in the game,” but at the same time, you get rid of unnecessary notifications and requests that can be distracting. This is especially useful if you’re taking a sabbatical, have changed careers, or just need a break.
  • Step 2: Start your journey – go to settings. First, sign in to your LinkedIn account. Next, go to your profile by clicking on your photo icon in the upper right corner. In the drop-down menu, select Settings & Privacy.
  • Step 3: Dive into the settings. In the settings, go to the Account section. Here you will find a variety of options for managing your account. Look for the “Close and deactivate account” option. This is where you can start the hibernation process.
  • Step 4: Choose a hibernation option. At this point, LinkedIn will offer you two options: temporary deactivation or complete deletion of your account. We need the first option – temporary deactivation, which will allow you to return to the network at any time.
  • Step 5: Important choice – reasons for hibernation. The platform may ask you for reasons for your decision. Be honest – this will help LinkedIn improve its services. Maybe you’re burnt out from too many networking requests or just need a break. Don’t be afraid to express your thoughts.
  • Step 6: Confirm your intentions. The last step is to confirm your decision. LinkedIn will warn you that your profile will become inaccessible to other users. All your data will be saved, but you won’t receive any notifications or requests.

After hibernation: What to expect?

After the process is complete, your profile will be temporarily “frozen”. This means that other users won’t be able to find you in a search, and your messages will remain unanswered. However, all of your contacts and messages will be saved and you can get back online at any time by activating your account.

How to make the most of your hibernation time

Hibernation can be an ideal time for self-development. Use this time to learn new skills that will help you in the future. You can take online courses, take up a hobby, or simply relax, gaining strength for new professional endeavors.

The prospect of returning: What to keep in mind

Remember that returning to LinkedIn after hibernation will require some effort. You will have to resume your activity, reply to accumulated messages, and update your profile. However, this can also be a great opportunity to reboot and get a fresh start.


Hibernating your LinkedIn account is a tool that allows you to preserve your professional achievements without losing touch with your network. Use this time to your advantage, be ready for new challenges, and remember that breaks are sometimes necessary to achieve big goals. It is important to remain flexible and not be afraid to change your strategies to achieve success.

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