How to Tag People on LinkedIn

Tagging people on LinkedIn is a powerful tool for engagement, networking, and increasing the visibility of your posts. By mentioning colleagues, clients, or industry influencers in your posts, you can foster conversations, acknowledge contributions, and expand your reach. However, knowing how to properly tag individuals and understanding the etiquette behind it is crucial to ensure positive interactions and professional conduct. This guide will explain the process and importance of tagging people on LinkedIn.

Importance of Tagging

Tagging on LinkedIn serves several important purposes. Firstly, it directly involves individuals in your posts, notifying them and encouraging engagement. This can lead to increased visibility for your content as their connections may also see the tagged post. Secondly, tagging acknowledges the contributions or relevance of others, whether you’re highlighting a colleague’s achievement, referencing an expert’s opinion, or including a key participant in a discussion. Proper tagging can foster stronger professional relationships and create more interactive and engaging content on your profile.

Composing a Post or Comment

To tag someone on LinkedIn, you need to start by composing a post or comment. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Navigate to the LinkedIn homepage. Log into your LinkedIn account and go to your homepage.
  2. Click on the “Start a post” or “Comment” button. This will open a text box where you can begin composing your message.
  3. Type your message. Write the content of your post or comment as you normally would.

Once you have your message ready, you can proceed to tag individuals.

Tagging Individuals

Tagging someone in your LinkedIn post or comment involves a simple yet effective method:

  1. Type the “@” symbol. This is the first step to initiate tagging.
  2. Start typing the name of the person you want to tag. LinkedIn will display a list of suggestions based on the name you type.
  3. Select the correct person from the list. Click on the individual’s name to tag them in your post or comment.

Tagging Etiquette

Proper tagging etiquette is essential to maintain professionalism and avoid potential negative repercussions. Here are some tips to ensure you tag appropriately:

  1. Tag Relevant Individuals Only: Ensure that the people you tag are relevant to the content of your post. This maintains the focus and relevance of the conversation.
  2. Avoid Over-Tagging: Tagging too many people can come off as spammy and may annoy your connections. Limit tags to those who are directly involved or genuinely interested in the content.
  3. Seek Permission if Necessary: If you’re tagging someone in a sensitive or high-visibility post, it might be courteous to ask for their permission first.
  4. Acknowledge Contributions Appropriately: When tagging to acknowledge contributions or achievements, ensure that your message is respectful and highlights the individual’s value.

Here are some common tagging etiquette tips to keep in mind:

  • Be Respectful: Always tag with the intention of adding value to the conversation and respecting the tagged individuals’ professional space.
  • Stay Relevant: Ensure your tags are relevant to the content of your post to maintain professionalism and avoid appearing spammy.
  • Avoid Over-Tagging: Limit the number of tags to keep the focus clear and prevent overwhelming your audience.


Tagging people on LinkedIn is a strategic way to enhance engagement, build relationships, and increase the visibility of your content. By understanding the importance of tagging, following the steps to tag individuals in your posts and comments, and adhering to proper tagging etiquette, you can make the most of this feature. Tagging can help you foster professional connections, acknowledge contributions, and create more interactive and engaging posts. Remember to use this tool thoughtfully to maintain professionalism and add value to your LinkedIn interactions. Regularly engaging with your network through tagging can significantly enhance your presence and impact on LinkedIn.

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